الخميس، 4 يوليو 2013

Another Magical Day: Third of July Independence Day

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This is a magical day to all Egyptians. 

Finally, we got our 
country back... We have been kidnapped..Our country was stolen 
and pushed into the dark
 The Americans have a fourth of July and we, Egyptians, have the third of July as our independence day !i
We were transferred by Ikhwan into the dark ages…  the times of ignorance and evil and vulgarity…
And our ‘Tamarod’  youth  freed us again;  they brought us back to the light of hope and freedom. They gave us back our country and our identity that was kept intact despite all Ikhwan’s attempts to transform it.
“Tamarod” was the magical word that did the trick…
The energy and enthusiasm and hope our youth put into every tamarod document were contagious. People signed even without believing that it can work. Well, it did work like magic, white and pure magic.
Mabrouk to all Egyptians and to all those who love Egypt, the real one!

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