السبت، 6 أكتوبر 2012

A family picnic in Crown Plaza

family picnic in Crown Plaza  
We have been warned about the food in China before we came and had prepared a list of restaurants that offer Halal food but we were disappointed all the same.  It is not that Chinese food is bad or tasteless- my kids used to eat at Panda house and Chinese corner in Cairo all the time- but we could never make sure if it had pork or not.
In all the regular Chinese restaurants we tried , there were no English menus and few waiters spoke English.  Since all the Chinese we knew was "nee haw" and " "cece", communication was impossible in any way.  Our list of Islamic restaurants was no good too because the ones near our hotel turned out to be under construction or mobilization! For the first couple of days we still had hope to find one and when we finally got there, we were totally disillusioned.   

The smell was awful, the place looked dirty and ,to our surprise and dismay, there was nothing Islamic about the menu; they had many pork dishes and even more, they had some donkey meat.   The smell of boiled cabbage permeated the place and I felt a sudden urge to vomit or cry, neither of which I could do in front of my kids!  The only beef they had in that restaurant was served raw with vegetables and we had to do the cooking in their hot pot!  No offense meant or anything, but in our Egyptian culture, you go to a restaurant to be served and pampered, not to do the cooking yourself. I was in no mood to try any new cooking experience.  Had I not been tired to death with every muscle and joint aching after four days of traveling and sightseeing, I would have loved the idea of a hot pot on a restaurant table and cooked for my family in the manner I used to do for the last twenty years. BUT I COULD NOT DO IT THEN OR THERE.  That was way too much.  Nora almost fainted from fatigue and disgust and we decided to leave after ordering two dishes that no one could eat.
But at least we knew better than trying to find other restaurants  Halal or no Halal, we will not set foot into any Beijing  restaurants again.   

After four days of near starvation, we decided to save what remained of our energy by eating a big lunch in the kids' hotel room. We finally came across 711 and there we got the only foods we could recognize: toast, cheese, boiled eggs, Pepsi, fruits and chocolates.  Since the hotel room had only one small table and one chair, on which I sat in front of the treats, everyone else sat on beds and waited for their turn to eat. I had never seen my children so happy to eat the cheese and eggs  sandwiches I made. They savored every bite of the food with huge appetite and asked for more!  That was one hell of a picnic.  We still love China!

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