Dear readers,
This is just a tiny attempt at translating a couple of compelling Arabic lines. If you are not interested in the translation, you will not regret reading the original.
من شعر الإمام على بن أبى طالب رضى الله عنه و أرضاه:
لدواؤك فيك وما تبصرُ . . و داؤك منك وما تشعرُ
و تحسب أنك جرمٌ صغير . . و فيك انطوى العالمُ الأكبرُ
Within thyself thy medicine and thy maladies dwell
Thou art the cosmos, not but a cell.
Another attempt:
Reach within, find your own medication … look deep, you inflicted your irritation
Of God’s world you are a manifestation… though you think yourself with no vocation.
Which rendering is more expressive of the original
Which one is more literary in style?
Your suggestions are most welcomed.
I sent you a comment but, seems It did not appear. I think the first translation is better ( maybe because of our study for literature) but certainly the other one is true too. Nice attempt, let us go ahead in the same field.
ردحذفThanks for visiting the blog. yes , i too think version one is more "literary" but the thing is that there is no criteria when translating literature and there is always better attempts. Good luck.