الخميس، 15 فبراير 2018

Departure Twinge

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Departure Twinge

For years I have been trying to figure out how it feels when someone dear travels; I do know how bitter it is but I could never find the right words to 
describe it. 
It starts with a little twig, a sharp unseen thorn like the one that penetrates under your fingernail and you can never see it or get it out but you remain aware of it. It stays there right into your heart and you can neither remove it nor ignore its existence. The twig slowly poisons your system and spoils your life but you cannot speak about it or show it to other, so you just keep silent about it and wait.
You go through your daily life as usual, but your coffee never tastes the same, your sleep is restless, your daily commute to work feels a lot longer and more tiring though it is exactly the same distance, your headache has an edge to it that you have never felt before. You speak to others, but you gaze somewhere else and your words come out hollow like they belong to some unseen person.  You cook the same meals but they taste neutral like water; they have no salt or sugar or spices. You buy the same flowers but they are void of smell; you hug your cat but you cannot feel the warmth it used to emit. Your whole life has no flavor, meaning, taste or smell and the twinge never goes away.