الأربعاء، 26 أغسطس 2015

Prayer by Abdalla Mohamed Ali

This is the first guest blog by Engineer Abdalla Mohamed Ali, my wonderful son, and I hope it won't 

 be the last.  I actually sort of "stole" it from a Facebook post of his.  Welcome aboard Bodz.  

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 It is a time when you do not have to think about anything, you don't have to plan, stress, worry, regret, or sorrow. You are standing in front of the one and only creator and controller. It is a period of time when you can fantasy or ask for all you desire, or be grateful for all what you have. It is when you can simply step out of all physical or mental status, to reach a state of inner peace that reminds you that you can only control what you can, and the rest is already determined to be the best that could ever happen to you; because it is written by the One who gave you life. This is the  One who gave you the five senses you use to roam a vast and endless, sustainable, artistic, balanced, diverse, and perfectly constructed universe that you had no hand whatsoever in creating! The One who gave you a great tool, your mind,  a tool that enables you to be master of this universe, to survive with your fragile body the challenges of daily life varying from a simple one- celled virus capable of destroying you, to a great grizzly bear able to tear you apart with one strike of it's claws. The One who enabled you to handle all sorts of weather from a vast hot isolated desert, to the subzero temperatures of the north and south. He created you to conquer his universe and be superior to any other living being. Believing in a creator gives you the privilege of praying, rather than meditating. There's a thin line between both behaviors; when you meditate, you clear your head of all unnecessary thoughts, you really relax and enjoy the peace, surrender, and relaxation. In prayer you get the added value of relief; as you realize that you are in the driver's seat of your life, controlling your every move, but you also realize that the seat belt you have on, the life you are driving, and the route you are taking, are all designed by the only perfect engineer out there, the same engineer who provided us with this perfect endless universe to conquer.

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