الخميس، 16 يناير 2020

2020: Year of the Self

This piece was published in The Egyptian Gazette on January 16th, 2020

Image result for 2020 year of the self

On New Year ’s Eve, I and one of my best friends discussed our resolutions for the year. She laughingly said: “I have a single resolution this year:  I will dedicate this year to myself.”
This was a bit of a surprise to me; my friend is one of the most caring and giving persons; she is always preoccupied with the well-being of everyone to the point that she sometimes forgets about her own.
The conversation inspired a new idea in me:  what if everyone made 2020 year of the SELF? Self-discipline, self-awareness, self-respect, self-development… And above all, self-love?  Will such a resolution to commit to the Self lead to a better world?  Or to unlimited struggle and conflict?  Questions kept rattling in my head for the first week of the year. On the 10th of January, it suddenly dawned on me that making 2020 year of the SELF is an idea worth trying. 
Here are the reasons why:
Because a BETTER YOU is better for everyone around you, especially those you love. A better you is better for this world. It’s all about you. YOUR-SELF. Creating your BEST SELF. How you show up each and every day MATTERS. It matters to you, and how good you feel, but it also matters to everyone and everything connected to you… which is the entire planet. Your energy affects everything.
The overall effect of how you live your life flows throughout this world in ways so powerful you might not believe. The immediate effect of you living your greatest life, and setting the best example has a huge impact and flow on those you love.
Visualize yourself every day:  you wake up healthy, happy, prosperous, and you love your life.  Your cup is full and ready to overflow on those around you.  Your family and friends are BETTER when you are better.  If you are at your happiest, your most positive, your healthiest, your wealthiest – that example and that energy will be seen by those you love and will lift them up.
If you are sad, miserable, angry, negative, in poor health and broke – do you think that will have a positive effect on those around you?
The general effect of who you actually are, what you do and how you feel reaches out like a tree branch and touches so many people.  They then, consciously or unconsciously spread that example to others. A happy mother will make her family happy, a happy teacher will spread joy in her class, a happy manager will get the best work possible from his consequently happy employees and list keeps going on and on.
You being at your BEST has more of an impact on this world than you can ever know.
Your duty this year is YOUR-SELF.  CREATING YOUR GREATEST SELF is the best way to change this world for generations to come.  Shine the light for others to follow. Show the world how amazing life can be when you master YOUR-SELF.
Show everyone you love what life looks like when you have self-discipline:  you are willing to delay gratification on meaningless things that may be pleasurable or easy now, but lead to a lesser quality life later. You show the discipline to sacrifice trivial stuff, for a greater life, a greater WORLD later. An example of this might be something that tastes good in the moment, but poisons your body, dilutes your energy and therefore affects your quality of life in the future.
Show the world how amazing life can be when you have self-awareness. The awareness to follow your intuition and gut feeling. The awareness to take responsibility for everything in your life, and consciously choose the best path fearlessly. The self-awareness to take moments to yourself, in quiet and TRUST your inner guidance to make the changes you need to make in your life. To KNOW what is right for you and act on it no matter how others think about it.
Self-respect  keeps you alert to Exclude anything that does not suit you from your life. It is never to let anything in your body, mind or spirit that you wouldnt want for a loved one.  Self-respect is accepting things in your body, mind, and spirit that enhance your life, not drain the quality of it. It gives the power to say NO out loud to toxic people, toxic circumstances, toxic words, foods and drinks that will not nourish you and all that does not suit you.
Show the world how amazing your life can be when you dedicate yourself to self-development in all areas of your life. EVERY SINGLE DAY do things to make you a better version of yourself:  read a good book or article , learn a new skill, listen to things that uplift you and apply everything you learn.  Take small steps every day, knowing that when you keep growing and moving forward… eventually you will look back with PRIDE in amazement at how far you have come.
Show the world how magical life can be when you can look in the mirror and genuinely love the person staring back at you. When you can look in the mirror with PRIDE. With zero sense of comparison with another, just love and appreciation… knowing how far you’ve come and feeling blessed to be alive and to have the opportunity to set an example THIS DAY.
A final word
Don’t take your old-self just as it is from last year into this year. LEARN the lessons and focus on creating this new self. Set a new standard for your life and commit to making this year your best year yet! Create a daily plan to work on YOUR-SELF. Lock in SELF-time every single morning and make it the most important time of your day. NO ONE can take this time from you. No appointments. No work. No social media. Nothing. This is your time, and it is absolutely more important than anything.  It’s time to step into a new YOU.  A new SELF and its not just for YOU. Its for the entire world.

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