الاثنين، 27 أبريل 2015


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I lie down and wait, wait and wait, shifting my weight from one side to the other cautiously lest I should disturb it. Which side hurts more?  I cannot decide.  I make as little noise as possible;  I won't complain;  I won't even think about the pain. Try to befriend it… acknowledge it … it is not foreign to you, accept it as a part of who you are; don't rush it away;  stop hating it;  accept and embrace and befriend the damn thing or it won't go away.  I try to do all these things.   And wait.  I empty my head of all the things I want to do, I give up planning or it will spoil all my plans,  I ignore all the chores that are not done yet, I give up the ideas that stay at the threshold of my mind waiting to be processed, to be sent through the tender set of inflamed wires to my hand to write down, or to my fingers to type. I close my eyes.  I shut off life and wait, wait for the pain to go away.

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